Sunday, December 8, 2013

Asymmetric Multiprocessing at the MCU level

I recently got a 16x2 character OLED display from sparkfun. Unfortunately that display had a parallel interface so wanted to mop up at least 7 digital pins on the controlling MCU. Being a software engineer rather than an electrical engineer the problem looked like one that needed another small microcontoller to solve it. The attiny84 is a 14 pin IC which has USI SPI and, once you trim off 4 pins for SPI, 3 for power, gnd, and reset, leaves you 7 digital pins to do your bidding with. This just so happens to be the same 7 pins one needs to drive the OLED over its 4 bit parallel interface!

Driving an OLED screen over SPI using an attiny84 as a display driver from Ben Martin on Vimeo.

Shown in the video above is the attiny84 being used as a display driver by an Arduino Uno. Sorry about having the ceiling fan on during capture. On the Uno side, I have a C++ "shim" class that has the same interface as the class used to drive the OLED locally. The main difference is you have to tell the shim class which pin to use as chip select when it wants to talk to the attiny84. On the attiny commands come in over SPI and the real library that can drive the OLED screen is used to issue the commands to the screen.

The fuss about that green LED is that when it goes out, I've cut the power to the attiny84 and the OLED. Running both the later with a reasonable amount of text on screen uses about 20mA, with the screen completely dark and the tiny asleep that drops to 6mA. That can go down to less than 2mA if I turn off the internal power in the OLED. Unfortunately I haven't worked out how to turn the power back on again other than resetting the power to the OLED completely. But being able to drop power completely means that the display is an optional extra and there is no power drain if there is nothing that I want to see.

Another way to go with this is using something like an MCP23S17 chip as a pin muxer and directly control the screen from the Uno. The two downsides to that design are the need to modify the real OLED library to use the pin muxer over SPI, and that you don't gain the use of a dedicated MCU to drive the screen. An example of the later is adding a command to scroll through 10 lines of text. The Uno could issue that command and then forget about the display completely while the attiny handles the details of scrolling and updating the OLED.

Some issues of doing this were working out how to tell the tiny to go into SPI slave mode, then getting non garbage from the SPI bus when talking to the tiny, and then working out acceptable delays for key times. When you send a byte to the tiny the ISR that accepts that byte will take "some time" to complete. Even if you are using a preallocated circular array to dispense with the new byte as quickly as possible, the increment and modulo operations take time. Time that can be noticeable when the tiny is clocked at 8mhz and the Uno at 16mhz and you ramp up the SPI clock speed without mercy.

As part of this I also made a real trivial SPI calculator for the attiny84. By trivial I mean store, add, and print are the only operations and there is only a single register for the current value. But it does show that the code that interacts with the SPI bus on the client and server side gets what one would expect to get from a sane adding machine. I'll most likely be putting this code up on github once I clean it up a little bit.

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